Won’t start, starts but dies within a few seconds, bad or wrong fuel, carburetor malfunctioning, and loss of engine power are some of the common problems of Husqvarna 455 rancher chainsaw.
Most users have faced that troubleshooting at some point in their use. All of these aren’t as serious, and can’t completely damage your expensive saw.
Even most of these are easily fixable with little effort. Here, the most challenging part is identifying the problems and taking action based on the issue.
As here you are, there is nothing to worry about. In this post, we’ll explain 4 Husqvarna Chainsaw 455 Rancher problems, their behind reasons, and potential solutions. So, put on our shoes and walk with us.
Table of Contents
Husqvarna Chainsaw 455 Rancher Troubleshootings

Though the Husqvarna Chainsaw 455 Rancher chainsaw looks simple, several small but important parts exist. Such as; the starter handle, fuel tank, engine, air filter, chain oil tank, throttle lock, bumper spike, front hand guard/chain brake, etc.
Each component of the saw takes part while you use it for wood cutting. That’s why anything can affect and create problems.
So, first, we would like to discuss users’ troubles. Then, we diagnose the reasons and show you how to solve the issue.
Problem 1: Husqvarna Chainsaw 455 Rancher Won’t Turn On (Most Common)
Since this chainsaw is designed to be used to cut heavy wood trunks. Initially, it works great to serve the purpose. But, commonly, users face starting problems. Their complaints are
- It won’t start as soon as you pull the start combine choke.
- Sometimes, they find it hard to start.
- If it starts, then dries within a few seconds.
- It won’t run at full throttle.
Probable Reasons:
There is a gas-powered 55.5cc motor inside this saw. It can produce 2.6 kilowatts of horsepower when it runs. But, if there is any mechanical problem with the motor or fuel, you may face these troubles. For example
- The chain brake may be deactivated.
- The fuel tank may be empty, or there is less fuel than its requirements.
- The spark plug connection may be faulty.
- The air filter or carburetor may be clogged.
- The starter cord may be broken and fails to recoil the assembly.
Potential Solutions
Since there are different reasons behind starting struggles. The solution should be different based on the causes.
- At the first chance, you have to check if the chain brake is activated or not. If not, you should activate it.
- Then, check the fuel tank to see if there is enough fuel in the tank or not. If not, pour the right oil into the tank. If yes, check other parts of the saw.
- Check the saw’s spark plug connection to see if it is securely attached to the spark plug for proper ignition. If it isn’t, properly connect it.
- Check if the air filter is clogged or not. If it is clogged with dust, you should clean it. Here is how you clean the air filter.
- Remove the air filter after taking off the air filter cover.
- Clean the air filter with a soft bristle brush or shake it to remove the dry wood dust. Never use compressed air, as it’ll damage your air filter.
- If the filter is too dirty, you can clean it by rinsing it in soapy and clean water. Then let it dry.
- When reinstalling, ensure the air filter seals tightly against the air filter hold.
- If sticky substances of old fuel clog the carburetor. You must change the oil, as it is contaminated and loses its lubing capacity.
- If the starter cord is broken, you have to replace the cord.
Problem 2: Oil Issues
How blood works to keep you working, oil does the same for the chainsaw. So how much you suffer from high or low blood pressure. The chainsaw will likely suffer from improper oil mixing or a bad fuel system. The users’ complaints about oil are
- The oil pump poorly supplies oil to the engine.
- The engine won’t run in full swing.
Probable Reasons:
- Maybe you used the wrong oil mixture
- The fuel tank may become very dirty after a long time of usage.
- The oil line or fuel system may be faulty or broken.
Potential Solutions
There is no hard and fast rule to solve the oil-related issues of your Husqvarna chainsaw.
- Since this chainsaw comes with a 2-stroke engine, the 50:1 or 40:1 gas-to-oil ratio will be the best fit. You can check out another article on 50:1 vs. 40:1 to perfectly determine which oil offers you maximum output and won’t break your pocket.
- If the fuel tank is dirty, you should clean it using a fuel system cleaner.
- If you find the oil filter is faulty when cleaning the tank, you should replace it. Check this short YouTube video to learn the process of changing an old oil filter.
Problem 3: Bar Troubleshooting
The chainsaw’s cutter chain is tensioned with a bar. Some users said that sometimes they found bar troubleshoots. Such as
- The bar loses its tension and causes extreme vibration or produces heat when cutting the wood.
- The chain becomes loose and affects the wood-cutting performance.
- The chain sprockets frequently slip from the bar.
Probable Reasons:
- If the bar is bent to one side, it may lose its tension. So when the chain runs on the bar, it vibrates and produces more heat than usual.
- If the chain won’t securely tighten against the bar, it becomes loose.
- The chin sprockets will frequently slip if the bar is extremely worn out.
Potential Solutions
- From an overhead view, closely observe the bar to determine whether it is bent to one side. If yes, remove the bent bar and install a new one.
- Check if the tension is tightened securely or not. If that isn’t, tighten the tension. Here is how you should tension the chain
- Place the combo Scrench (that comes with the saw) on the tension bolt and tighten it.
- When tightening, check the between bar and chain space to avoid over tightening. The rule of thumb is to maintain a 1 mm gap between the bar and chain for proper tension.
- If you notice a wear pattern like ‘V’-shaped on the chain, it is broken. So the bar can’t perfectly grasp the chain sprockets, and that’s why it will slip from the bar while cutting the wood. In that case, you should replace the bar.
Tip: You should also adjust the oil feed to adequately lubricate the bar and run the chain effortlessly on the bar. Because poor or improper lubrication will wear the bar faster than usual. Even proper lubing will help to reduce the debris build-up between the bar grooves.
Problem 4: Chain Troubleshooting
Chain is the main tool of a chainsaw, as it cuts the wood. Many users face chain troubleshooting now and then when using the saw.
- The chain-cutting teeth will cut the wood slower than before.
- The chain produces a chattering noise when running on the bar.
Probable Reasons:
- Faulty chain tensioning can be a reason for chain troubleshooting.
- You may face this struggle if the chin cutter becomes dull for heavy or long use.
- Broken or cracked chain links may also be the reasons for the problem.
Potential Solutions
- As previously, we discussed how to tension the chain properly. So, here is no need to discuss it again. Check these words.
- There are two formulas to identify if the chain is dull or not.
- The first formula is to notice the chain cutter’s sharpness by measuring its teeth level. If they are more than 4mm, but look flat, they may be dull.
- The other way is to check how much force you have to give for cutting the wood and how much time it needs. If it needs more force and time, the chain cutters are dull.
- For drab chain cutters, you have to sharpen them. Follow the below steps to do that.
- Make sure the chain is properly tensioned.
- Use the file gauge that fits your chain from the tools included in the file kit.
- Attach the chainsaw with the lever and start with the most damaged cutter.
- Activate the chain brake and place the arrows on the file gauge to point toward the bar’s tip.
- Put the file shall lie straight in the file gauge.
- Put the file shall test on both rollers and file forward with long and smooth strokes.
- Count the strokes so that you can file each cutter equally.
- When completing a full turn, mark the cutter.
- After that, deactivate the chain break and move the chain to bring another damaged cutter.
- File all cutters on one side.
- Turn the chainsaw around and file all cutters on one side.
- Now correct the file cutter
- Use the depth gauge template on the file gauge to check if you need to adjust the depth gauges or not.
- Change to a flat file in the handle.
- Put the temple shall rest against the chain both in the front and rear.
- Set the depth gauge depending on the wood that you will cut.
- Use the soft gauge to cut softwoods like pine and spruce
- Use the hard gauge to cut hardwoods like elm trees and oak.
- File the depth gauge shall appear as even as the template
- If, after observing the chain links, you find one or two links are broken. Remove the chain from the bar and install the new link. But if most of the links are seriously damaged, broken, or cracked. You have to replace the chain that fits your saw.
Some Maintenance Tips & Tricks

Regular maintenance will help you get efficient cutting performance and extend the chainsaw life. So, let’s see some tips for maintaining the saw
- Always use the saw by following the user’s instructions.
- Use the right oil mixture to properly function the engine and produce the highest horsepower.
- Before storing the saw for many days, clean the chain, bar, air filter, and other parts.
- For heavy use, try to take professional check-ups or services for the chainsaw every few months.
- For light use, taking service once a year is enough.
Fix Any Trouble Like A Champ
Now, you know the troubles and fixing process of the Husqvarna Chainsaw 455 Rancher chainsaw. So if it shows you any trouble in the middle of the job, you can fix the issue within a few minutes without getting upset. Even following the tips also helps you to enjoy a trouble-free wood-cutting experience.